Since the game used two different voice casts for the Japanese and American games, that's the reason that the Twomps sound different in the two versions. Well explores and communicates the "madness of Kefka" in sound - tres kewl. Keep me logged in on this device. The fact that sometimes he can be extremely evil, I also agree he's the best villian in the whole series by far and sometimes a kind of maniacal clown, as he laughs often and makes snide little jokes, mostly for his own amusement , kind of brings across the fact that he's so fickle. It's surprising there are so few comments on this song! kefka laugh mp3

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Lloyd djpretzelwebmaster, with feedback or questions not answered there. Now, after all this, I would hope that one would think twice before calling my favorite video game villain of all time a "clown.

5 Famous Video Game Laughs (That Are Just Other Remixed Laughs) | Houston Press

Log In Sign Up. The scratching effects on kefka's voice are awesome though.

kefka laugh mp3

A peasant; a rustic. Alphabetically - Newest - Most ReMixes.

ReMix: Final Fantasy VI "La Locura del Kefka" - OC ReMix

The tell noise would be super easy to make as an alert tone. Artists List All Artists: Upon inquiry, I found that the features many stressed against Kefka were his physical resemblance to, in their minds, a clown. Kefka's laugh in the track is genius as well as fitting.

Subscribe to this forum Receive email notification when a new topic is posted in this forum and you are not active on the board. Melting synth with more traditional electric piano, some badass organ licks whose dis guy think he is? To quote article about the role of clowns in this type of drama, scenes with "clowns" the word being laugg for its dramatic definition, not appearance are present "to provide an oaugh viewpoint by interrupting the main action of the play and playing specifically to that 'mingle mangle.

You can see this in the flagship title of the N64, Mario's first 3D adventure. I really dig your 17th century nobility idea! Hes smarter and more sinister than he looks The sound of the laughter is a slowed down version of Wario's cackle.

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Get the most out of your experience with a personalized all-access pass to everything local on events, music, restaurants, news and more. Finally, as people don't really use the word "clown" to refer to a vulgar person anymore nor as a rude person, I hardly see why you would expect me the concede in this argument due to the third definition A remix from Pancakedude that kicks, mmmyeeeesss.

Granted, "Rise from your grave" came out more "Wize Fromage Gay", but compared to what we had before that was a serious step forward. Shonen Samurai on This definitely ranks in my top 5 OCRemixes of all time. In reality, however, conquistador was somewhat correct: It actually sounds like some of the Trumpet was ripped right from a Cake song, but I'm not holding that against the mix.

I absolutely adore this music.

Final Fantasy VI Kefka Laugh Sound Effect

This one catches you off guard - da Chef took some definite risks in some of his decisions to mix elements of hip-hop, techno, and latin styles. The Joker, Jedi, and Judy Garland: Bummer on As some know, the Pancake Chef has had little musical training, and to make something like this here's what I have to say from a so-called "amateur".

Help us save bandwidth - using our torrents saves us bandwidth and lets you download multiple mixes as a lsugh download. This is a really cool envisioning of the theme, but the execution falls a bit short. I definitely agree that he doesn't seem like a clown to me.

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You gotta love the balls on the transitions and the riffage here - impressive shtuff, and musical too. Mario 64 There's just something about Mario games that just makes the people who make them not want to record new laughter. I wasn't sure what to think of Kefka until I reached the battle where he first gets a "monster" sprite.

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